Personal Growth

Have you ever sat on the edge of eternity? By edge of eternity I mean: that space of days and hours before someone steps out of this life. Have you ever sat there with someone? That vulnerable place is a painful privilege, one I’ve had only a few times in my life. There is something […]

The alarm clock is a 4-year-old, waking me since June 2016. His noise beckons before sunrise, unless it’s summer when daylight comes almost undignified. But even in the summer… The moment my feet hit the ground means serving. Doing. Working. Making. Baking. Wiping. Washing. Typing. Trying. Trying to what? My feet don’t stop. Maternity-leave pandemic-days

The days after my daughter was born felt like a vacation. She was baby #3. I had full permission to abdicate all my routine responsibilities with wild boys and a day job and dinner and laundry and all the things. I got full permission to snuggle a newborn 24/7. It was glorious. Until reality sank

We liked the idea of three children. With two wonderfully wild boys, and I wanted to sleep for another year before trying again. But oops. With baby #3 on the way I wasn’t gonna get that sleep. I sat on a hard chair in the bright 4th floor office, my arms embracing a very round

Anyone else think this winter might feel like the longest winter of your life? We don’t need to regale why. We’re all living through our own wild rides. So, I put together a list of lovely things to do to brighten our (and someone else’s) winter for singles, couples and families alike. If you have

I’m not even sure how obviously pregnant I was with my 3rd baby when the dream finally escaped my lips for the first time.   “I’d love to have a water-birth.” I had had two wonderful hospital births. I was pregnant with our 3rd, and likely our final, new addition.  Having a water-birth was a dream

We live in a pretty holiday-heavy, Christmas-saturdated culture, don’t we? December is filled with all types of “cheer” in North America. At least, most years it is, right? Gifts. Glitter. Trees. Turkey. Elf on the shelf. I mean… sign me up for all of it. I truly love the holiday season. Saint Nic. “Let it

Technology has been stealing my time… it was disappearing before my very fingertips.  Does that happen to you, too? I read Digital Minimalism. It lit a fire under this mama’s rocker and inspired me to do something about it. A 30-day (actually 33 because that was my age) pause on all optional technology. A technology

It’s normal. Meaning everyone does it. The title sounds dramatic, but I think my life (and maybe yours) is getting hijacked by something we all think is normal. In fact, I think it might actually be an epidemic. Epidemic (n) – A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease – in this case; behaviour – in a

It was a sunny day in early spring. Cold enough to still be wearing my winter coat, but bright enough to appreciate the light streaming across the tiny, well-decorated office. We smiled and chatted. I hugged my tea. I’m a glass-half-full, rose-tinted glasses type person most days, and this was one of them. Life was

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