Personal Growth

Yep.  We go to counseling. I spent 10 years in the dating world searching for and imagining my “perfect” husband.  My husband spent 3 years married to someone else before he married me.  And he’s never casually dated.  Ever.  (how we ended up together is a whole other story for another day.) Needless to say, we each […]

Sometimes when I’m looking for a dramatic change, I do something dramatic. So… I did it again… I wrote this publicly so I was accountable – no changing my mind! For a full 365 days, I embarked on my second  1-year spending fast. One year. Nothing new. I lay ground rules, I challenge my spending habits,

Almost a decade ago I did something that has had good ripples into today. In the spring of 2011, I embarked on a 365 day spending fast. Why? I’m Greedy. Once, a baby peed all over my lap because his mom didn’t have any diapers. Once, I held the hand of a homeless man who

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