How the 30 Day Spending Challenge is for You

Do you know how to waste $10,000 a year? $27.39 a day in misc spending.

How different would your life be next year with $10,000 in the bank?

This is for all my spenders out there! I am one!

The 30 Day Spending Challenge has the potential not just to reboot your habits, but to reroot your heart.

Wish you had less debt? More savings?

Do you know where your money goes every month?

Do you ever feel stressed by money?

What if you could get on the road to financial health in less than 30 days? Whatever your spending struggle, if you want to move the needle the right way, right away, I made the 30 day spending challenge for you.

A series of spending fasts have not just changed my habits, they’ve changed me. I fasted my spending for the first time almost 10 years ago and, yes, it gave financial gains but it also created lasting heart-change. Through my fasts I found peace. I felt more gratitude. I became more generous, AND I found healthy financial footing. Unchecked spending can point to internal tension making money way more stressful than it needs to be. That’s why I created The 30 Day Spending Challenge.

It’s not a silver bullet out of bad spending habits, but it’s a jumpstart in the right direction for your finances. Whatever your spending looks like, it’s more than just habits, your habits have history. 

The 30 Day Spending Challenge will kickstart your financial goals and lead to personal growth. It will help you uproot toxic thinking behind excess spending and embrace a healthy money mindset that lasts into your future. You can reboot your spending habits in 30 days.

I hope to give you practical tools to create your own fast based on your spending habits, help you pay attention to your past, and cheer you through to the end.

Join the 30-day spending challenge today to jumpstart your next financial goal and reboot the spending habits holding you back.

Prep week starts NOW and the Challenge begins Sept 1st! Click here to sign up!

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